Friday, December 17, 2010

Frosty said, "I CAN SEE, I CAN SEE!!!"

I saw an E-Card back in 2005 and posted it then and again in 2007 on MySpace. It is one of my favorite E-Cards. This was the cutest thing. In the background it had a whimsical Christmas tune. The main character of this animated E-Card was Frosty the Snowman.

With much enthusiasm, he rushed to his stocking to see what Santa left in his stocking. He was immediately disappointed to feel two lumps of coal. And yep! He remarked in a complaining tone, "?!?! Two lumps of coal... TWO LUMPS OF COAL?!?!" Then Frosty got the bright idea to take the two lumps of coal and placed them on his face. He became excited and exclaimed, "I CAN SEE, I CAN SEE!"

Such is life. If you get something in life like lumps of coal in the guise of trials or certain circumstances you did NOT ask for, do what Frosty did in this fictional situation... take those things and use them to SEE what exactly is that GOD wants you to see. You'll be surprised as to the protection, love and blessings you will witness if you only press on beyond the surface and into to the deeper understanding of the events in your life.

Remember not only in Christmas but every moment in your life that, "For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have, everlasting life". If that is not the best gift ever, I do not know what is? Jesus gave His life for you! His sole purpose was to leave His throne and be born to then live among us to fulfill His purpose of dying on the cross for us for our salvation. Question arises: Have you given your heart completely to Him? It is literally the only thing Jesus ever wanted for His "Birthday"- your heart.