The "Full circle... full circle" blog was originally written in January of 2005. I reposted it in December of 2008. Here we are right dab smack in the middle of January 2011 and I am found with it again:
Now if you look back and you find yourself in the same place... do something about it. (However, what if you are tired of doing something about it. Why doesn't anyone else do something? I read my friend Debb's blog and read her reflection on Jesus’ anguish at the Garden of Gethsemane. His closest to His heart were not present for Him when He needed them most. He literally had to face death on His own. Job stated that he came to this world with nothing and he will leave this world with nothing. The Lord knows how we feel). No need or time or place to feel sorry for yourself EVER... Look back and (be) able to say "YES! I made it and look how high I have climbed" then great. "Full circle... full circle…”
Funny how life comes to a full circle... how at a point in time you (were) so hurt by the most unexpected... People who called themselves friend do to you horrible and uncompassionate things. (Sometimes not so horrible but questionable. Makes you distrust simple "good" intentions). You think you are never going to heal let alone get up from the beat down they gave you (or secrets they kept). We have to be honest. There are moments that hurt so bad that you really think you are never going to (get over it). You feel like that kick in your gut will remain forever. Nevertheless, the saying holds true. Time does heal all wounds. Isn't that amazing?
What if I climbed and tripped and I fall to the valley. What if I became scared and hid in the nook of a cliff? What if I cannot take another step because I have no more strength? What if I do not want to fight the good fight? What if I do not want to run the race?
Would it be so bad to travel half way round the circle? Then that would be a journey lost.